This is sort of an “all points bulletin” from Jacob’s Armoury.
As many of you know I have Parkinson’s, an incurable (as of yet), degenerative neurological condition. Now while you don’t die from it, it can make it pretty darn tough to do the kind of stuff it takes to build a sword.
I named the armoury after my son Jacob who will be 8 this year (2014). The cheeky joke has been "I'll build up the business and then Jacob will make it profitable." Realistically, it’s actually pretty unlikely that I will still be able to teach him what to do when he is ready to know. This leads me to two requests the first one is simple.
1) I need to document these techniques and processes. I think filming will be the best way to accomplish this so this is a request for a film maker. They don’t have to be amazing just dedicated.
This is the hard one
2) I think I need a business partner to keep Jacob’s Armoury alive. Ideally that would mean that you would need to be in Scotland, however I suppose I would not be totally against moving Jacob's Armoury to you depending on where you are and what you have to offer as a business partner. I think we will have to discuss this one so contact me if that person could be you.
Very sincerely,
Joel Mason
Director, Jacob’s Armoury
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